How To Prepare Your Home for Storms

hail storm repair

No matter where you live, you’re bound to be hit by a storm eventually. Whether it’s rain, snow, or just high winds, the weather can do some severe damage to your home and property. Because of that, you want to make sure you take every precaution you can to help ensure that your home stays safe. Here are some ways that you can help prepare your home for a storm. 


Shutters are vital in protecting your windows. If your home has shutters, you want to check them and make sure they close all the way and can be locked into place. Additionally, if you find that the shutters have started to crack or warp, you’ll want to get them replaced as soon as possible. 

If your home doesn’t have shutters, you’ll want to get them installed as soon as possible. Windows are major vulnerable spots on a home, and if even one breaks, it could cause a catastrophe in the rest of the home, depending on the severity of the storm.


If you are in an area prone to winter storms, you’re likely no stranger to hail storm repair Lakewood CO on your roof. Replacing torn or missing shingles immediately is a big part of protecting the integrity of the roof. However, you want to make sure that you don’t just look for obviously damaged roofing.

Walk on your roof and feel for any soft or spongy spots. Those spots could be a sign of water damage that is hidden under the surface. If you find any soft spots, call as soon as possible to have them looked at to prevent them from getting worse. 


During storms, tree branches can quickly become projectiles. To avoid that from happening, keep trees trimmed all year long. If you notice branches that have died, cut them down as soon as possible. It’s also helpful to have any questionable trees evaluated by an expert, so you know if they should be cut down. You want to have them removed before they’re knocked onto your house during a storm.